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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8120291

FX application is freezing at random time starting from 2.2-controls-scrum-#214


      2.2-controls-scrum-#214 is the first controls-scrum build which contains the fix for
      RT-21563 "fx2.2-controls-scrum-205: all Controls performance benchmarks produce 0 fps as they don't draw anything".

      New issue observed in 2.2-controls-scrum-#214 is that now application could freeze at random time.

      As result FX benchmarks produce big invalid FPS values.

      Based on Aurora results the list of impacted benchmarks includes at least:
       - Controls.CheckBox
       - Controls.RadioButton
       - Controls.TableView-Mouse

      I can reproduce this issue by running Controls.CheckBox. In my case the application usually freezes
      at third or fourth iteration. Then (on new iteration) the application continues to run correctly.

      OS: WindowsXP, Windows7 (I didn't try on mac)

      I can see that application thread is still running and CheckBox's selected property is really changed.
      However, no rendering is happened. Perhaps another css bug.

            dgrieve David Grieve
            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
