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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8122168

8.0-graphics-scrum-1879: up to 30% performance regression in Image rendering in SW pipeline


      There are following performance regression appeared in promoted build 8.0-b114 in SW pipeline:
        10% in FXTester-Animation.Image, Guimark2.Bitmap

      - Win7-High
        10% in FXTester-Animation.Image, Guimark2.Bitmap

      - Win7-Low
        30% in FXTester-Animation.Image, Guimark2.Bitmap

      These regressions were introduced in build 8.0-graphics-scrum-1879
      which contains only one fix:
           RT-33414 "9-Slice stretched areas are wrong in SW"

      I talked to Martin and this performance regression is not expected one, so here is the bug.

      JPA profile for Guimark2.Bitmap with 600 monsters on my Windows laptop shows that the time
      spent in com.sun.pisces.PiscesRenderer.drawImageImpl has been increased which leads to
      low FPSs.

      Steps to run Guimark2.Bitmap
      > cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/GUIMark2/
      > ant
      > java -Dprism.order=sw -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
             -cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar;./dist/GUIMark2.jar;../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar;../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
             jrockit.bm.Main guimark2.bm.BitmapBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 30 -monsters 600

            msoch Martin Ĺ och (Inactive)
            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
