Resolution: Fixed
Performance of Text based benchmarks is almost 100% less in promoted build 8.0-b97.
After fixing NullPointerException (see bugsRT-31384, RT-31287) in build 8.0-b97 the performance
of Text based benchmarks is still almost 100% worse comparing to b95.
The issue still exists in latest 8.0-graphics-scrum-1424 which suppose to contain all Felipe's fixes related toRT-31384.
To reproduce run for example GUIMark2.BitmapTest
> cd tests/performance
> ant
> java -Dprism.order=sw -cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar;./dist/GUIMark2.jar" guimark2.BitmapTest
After fixing NullPointerException (see bugs
of Text based benchmarks is still almost 100% worse comparing to b95.
The issue still exists in latest 8.0-graphics-scrum-1424 which suppose to contain all Felipe's fixes related to
To reproduce run for example GUIMark2.BitmapTest
> cd tests/performance
> ant
> java -Dprism.order=sw -cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar;./dist/GUIMark2.jar" guimark2.BitmapTest