I hope this is not a duplicate of some similar bug. I tried to find that but couldn't. In case it is somewhere already then sorry.
Look on http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/control/ScrollBar.html
Find "Constructor Summary - Constructor and Description" panel
You will see that "Creates a new horizontal (i.e." is clearly mising something.
The interesting fact is that if you go here http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/control/ScrollBar.html#ScrollBar%28%29 then as you can see there is everything ok with description.
I hope this is not a duplicate of some similar bug. I tried to find that but couldn't. In case it is somewhere already then sorry.
Look on http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/control/ScrollBar.html
Find "Constructor Summary - Constructor and Description" panel
You will see that "Creates a new horizontal (i.e." is clearly mising something.
The interesting fact is that if you go here http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/control/ScrollBar.html#ScrollBar%28%29 then as you can see there is everything ok with description.