We are trying to provide Media support in Oracle FORMS. I have successfully tested the integration of JavaFX media components inside FORMS (which is based on EWT framework). Here are the scenarios I tested.
Audio Working:
AW1. I could get running a swing app which contained Audio library [Media package] from JFX.
AW2. I could get running FORMS with Audio library [Media package] from JFX when jfxrt.jar was completely extracted and packaged inside one of the FORMS jar file.
Audio non Working:
ANW1. I could not get the FORMS working with Audio library [Media Package] from JFX when tried using the jfxrt.jar from client installation [JRE/JDK installed on the box where browser is trying to open the applet].
point AW2 and point ANW1 are same test cases, just that the jfxrt.jar location is different.
Audio Working:
AW1. I could get running a swing app which contained Audio library [Media package] from JFX.
AW2. I could get running FORMS with Audio library [Media package] from JFX when jfxrt.jar was completely extracted and packaged inside one of the FORMS jar file.
Audio non Working:
ANW1. I could not get the FORMS working with Audio library [Media Package] from JFX when tried using the jfxrt.jar from client installation [JRE/JDK installed on the box where browser is trying to open the applet].
point AW2 and point ANW1 are same test cases, just that the jfxrt.jar location is different.