Resolution: Duplicate
There are following regressions in build 8.0-graphics-scrum-792 on Mac-Mid-Range machine:
Charts.Bubble: -19% (-3.29 fps)
Controls.CheckBox: -33% (-17.92 fps)
Controls.RadioButton: 32% (-15.03 fps)
Controls.TableView-XmasTree: -27% (-9.58 fps)
Steps to run Controls.CheckBox benchmark:
> cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/Controls/
> ant
> java -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
-cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:./dist/Controls.jar:../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar:../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
jrockit.bm.Main controls.bm.CheckboxBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 60 -toggleStep 300
The regression is caused by changes done as part of
RT-19342: SceneBuilder is out of sync with the native OS window size while resizing.
In particular the changes done in glass/glass-lib-macosx/src/GlassView.m are the cause
of observed regression on MacOS. Note, there are no regressions on Windows.
To prove this just copy rt/lib/libglass.dylib from build #791 and the performance will return back.
Charts.Bubble: -19% (-3.29 fps)
Controls.CheckBox: -33% (-17.92 fps)
Controls.RadioButton: 32% (-15.03 fps)
Controls.TableView-XmasTree: -27% (-9.58 fps)
Steps to run Controls.CheckBox benchmark:
> cd JFX_WS/tests/performance/Controls/
> ant
> java -Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true
-cp "JFX_HOME/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:./dist/Controls.jar:../FXBenchmark/dist/FXBenchmark.jar:../../../import/benchmarks-2.1.1/benchmarks-2.1.1.jar"
jrockit.bm.Main controls.bm.CheckboxBenchmark -i 1 -wt 0 -tr 60 -toggleStep 300
The regression is caused by changes done as part of
In particular the changes done in glass/glass-lib-macosx/src/GlassView.m are the cause
of observed regression on MacOS. Note, there are no regressions on Windows.
To prove this just copy rt/lib/libglass.dylib from build #791 and the performance will return back.
- relates to
JDK-8094046 Poor DisplacementMap effect performance on Mac
- Closed
JDK-8127874 SceneBuilder is out of sync with the native OS window size while resizing.
- Closed