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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8124874

JavaFX sandbox security warning dialog should not set the default focus on "Do not show this again for this app"


        The JavaFX sandbox security warning dialog does not set the focus on 'Run' or 'Cancel' button, but instead, it incorrectly set the default focus on the small square box of
         "Do not show this again for this app"

        This issue has been noticed with latest JavaFX 2.2.7 and JavaFX 8

        *** Tested Configurations:
        - x86 Win 7
        - jre 7u15-b03 (including JavaFX 2.2.7)
        - jre 8-b77

        *** Steps to reproduce:
        0) Install jre 7u15-b03
        1) Security level from java control panel should be set to High
        2) Use any browser to invoke an unsigned JavaFX applet

        3) Expect to see the security warning dialog popping up

        If you see the default focus is at the option of "Do not show this again for this app", the issue is reproducible

              mhowe Mark Howe (Inactive)
              hungnguy Hung Nguyen (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
