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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8126153

[Pagination] content can be not updated, if change factory during scrolling


      Actually, it is tricky to reproduce, and it was tricky to find it.

      In standart code for PaginationApp.java we will need additional line: System.out... like this:
      Button setOldPageFactory = ButtonBuilder.create().id(SET_OLD_PAGE_FACTORY_BUTTON_ID).text("Set old page factory").build();
                  setOldPageFactory.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {

                      public void handle(ActionEvent t) {
                          System.out.println("Old page factory set"); - here, to note, that changing was called.

      To reproduce:
      run application.
      Set new factory. (notion - a word "new" in content of pagination).
      Click on control's content to receive focus on Pagination control.
      Move mouse on setOldFactory button
      Now we need to do 2 things parallelly:
      1) press "RightArrow" key on keyboard
      2) click Button "Set Old Factory"

      That is: changing factory, when you do switching pages.
      I see:
      In output: message "Old page factory set"
      In pagination: content of new factory.
      But, if I switch page, old content will be shown, according to the current old factory.

      It is shown on the attached movie.

            kwwong Kinsley Wong (Inactive)
            akirov Alexander Kirov (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue
