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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8126332

ES2n Linux regression with Nvida ION


      The Nvidia ION works with prism es2 but not with es2n on linux. I get what appears to be random junk in the resulting window.

      Prism pipeline init order: es2n
      Using t2k for text rasterization
      Using dirty region optimizations
      Prism pipeline name = com.sun.prism.es2n.ES2NPipeline
      Loading ES2N native library ... prism-es2n
      GLFactory using com.sun.prism.es2n.gl.x11.X11GLFactory
      (X) Got class = class com.sun.prism.es2n.ES2NPipeline
      Initialized prism pipeline: com.sun.prism.es2n.ES2NPipeline
      Graphics Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
             Renderer: unknown board/PCI/SSE2
              Version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.22

      ddhill@hpmini:~/sb/presidio/bld-es2-b$ rt-closed/porting/dist/glxcheck
      GLX version is 1.3
      GLX client vendor is NVIDIA Corporation
      GLX client version is 1.4
      GLX server vendor is NVIDIA Corporation
      GLX server version is 1.4
      We have 113 FBConfigs
        117: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x21 WPX Opaqe Normal
        118: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x22 WPX Opaqe Normal
        119: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x24 WPX Opaqe Normal
        120: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x3f WPX Opaqe Normal
        121: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x25 WPX Opaqe Normal
        122: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x40 WPX Opaqe Normal
        123: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x26 WPX Opaqe Normal
        124: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x41 WPX Opaqe Normal
        125: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x27 WPX Opaqe Normal
        126: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x42 WPX Opaqe Normal
        127: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x28 WPX Opaqe Normal
        128: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x43 WPX Opaqe Normal
        129: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x29 WPX Opaqe Normal
        130: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x44 WPX Opaqe Normal
        131: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2a WPX Opaqe Normal
        132: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x45 WPX Opaqe Normal
        133: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2b WPX Opaqe Normal
        134: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x46 WPX Opaqe Normal
        135: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2c WPX Opaqe Normal
        136: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x47 WPX Opaqe Normal
        137: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2d WPX Opaqe Normal
        138: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x48 WPX Opaqe Normal
        139: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2e WPX Opaqe Normal
        140: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x49 WPX Opaqe Normal
        141: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x2f WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        142: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x4a WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        143: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x30 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        144: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x4b WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        145: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x31 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        146: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x4c WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        147: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x32 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        148: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x4d WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        149: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x33 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        150: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x4e WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        151: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x34 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        152: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x4f WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        153: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x35 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        154: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x50 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        155: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x36 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        156: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x51 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        157: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x37 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        158: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x52 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        159: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x38 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        160: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x53 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        161: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x39 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        162: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x54 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        163: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x3a WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        164: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x55 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        165: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x3b WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        166: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x56 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        167: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x3c WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        168: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x57 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        169: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x3d WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        170: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x58 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        171: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x3e WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        172: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x59 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        173: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x23 WPX Opaqe Normal
        174: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x5a WPX Opaqe Normal
        175: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x5b WPX Opaqe Normal
        176: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x5c WPX Opaqe Normal
        177: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x5d WPX Opaqe Normal
        178: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x5e WPX Opaqe Normal
        179: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x5f WPX Opaqe Normal
        180: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x60 WPX Opaqe Normal
        181: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x61 WPX Opaqe Normal
        182: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x62 WPX Opaqe Normal
        183: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x63 WPX Opaqe Normal
        184: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x64 WPX Opaqe Normal
        185: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x65 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        186: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x66 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        187: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x67 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        188: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x68 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        189: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x69 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        190: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x6a WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        191: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x6b WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        192: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x6c WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        193: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x6d WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        194: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x6e WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        195: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x6f WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        196: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x70 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        197: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x71 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        198: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x72 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        199: 8880 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x73 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        200: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x74 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        201: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        202: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        203: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        204: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        205: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        206: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        207: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        208: 5650 16 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        209: 0000 00 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        210: 0000 00 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        211: 0000 00 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        212: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        213: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        214: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        215: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        216: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        217: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        218: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        219: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        220: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        221: 32000 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        222: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        223: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        224: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        225: 16161616 64 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        226: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        227: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        228: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
        229: 32323232 128 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x 0 _P_ Opaqe Normal
      Matching simple attributes (9) :
        119: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x24 WPX Opaqe Normal
        174: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x5a WPX Opaqe Normal
        120: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x3f WPX Opaqe Normal
        159: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x38 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        194: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x6e WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        160: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x53 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        163: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x3a WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        196: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x70 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        164: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x55 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
      ** Trying jfxAttributes
       config "Transparent 8888" did not match any configs
      Using JFX attribute set "Opaque 888", 21 configs matched:
        127: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x28 WPX Opaqe Normal
        178: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x5e WPX Opaqe Normal
        128: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x43 WPX Opaqe Normal
        119: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x24 WPX Opaqe Normal
        174: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x5a WPX Opaqe Normal
        120: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x3f WPX Opaqe Normal
        135: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x2c WPX Opaqe Normal
        182: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x62 WPX Opaqe Normal
        136: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x47 WPX Opaqe Normal
        143: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x30 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        186: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x66 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        144: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 0 0x4b WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        159: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x38 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        194: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x6e WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        160: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,2 8 0x53 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        147: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x32 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        188: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x68 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        148: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 0 0x4d WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        163: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x3a WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        196: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x70 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
        164: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 1,4 8 0x55 WP_ Opaqe NonConf
      ** Using fbConfig:
        127: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x28 WPX Opaqe Normal
      Chosen visual ID = 0x28
      have visualid of 28
      OpenGL version is : 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.22
      OpenGL vendor is : NVIDIA Corporation
      OpenGL renderer is : unknown board/PCI/SSE2
      Shading Language version is : (null)

      +++++++++++++ Summary ++++++++++++++++++++++
      GLX client vendor is NVIDIA Corporation
      GLX client version is 1.4
      GLX server vendor is NVIDIA Corporation
      GLX server version is 1.4
      GL version is 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.22
      FB Config matching simple attributes:
        119: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 8 0x24 WPX Opaqe Normal
      FB Config matching JFX attributes "Opaque 888":
        127: 8888 32 8192x8192 67108864 0,0 0 0x28 WPX Opaqe Normal
      Checking JFX used extensions:
          present "GLX_NV_float_buffer"
          present "GLX_SGI_swap_control"
          present "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object"
          present "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"

            ckyang Chien Yang (Inactive)
            ddhill David Hill (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
