Javadoc for the WebHistory.go() method refers to 'left' and 'right' entries which is confusing. It should be fixed as shown below:
Navigates the web engine to the URL defined by the Entry object within the specified position relative to the current entry. A negative offset value specifies the position preceding to the current entry, and a positive offset value specifies the position following the current entry. For example, -1 points to the previous entry, and 1 points to the next entry. The zero offset value is silently ignored (no-op). The effective entry position should belong to the rage of [0..size-1]. Otherwise, IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
offset - a negative value specifies a position preceding the current entry, a positive value specifies a position following the current entry, zero value causes no effect
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the effective entry position is out of range
Navigates the web engine to the URL defined by the Entry object within the specified position relative to the current entry. A negative offset value specifies the position preceding to the current entry, and a positive offset value specifies the position following the current entry. For example, -1 points to the previous entry, and 1 points to the next entry. The zero offset value is silently ignored (no-op). The effective entry position should belong to the rage of [0..size-1]. Otherwise, IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
offset - a negative value specifies a position preceding the current entry, a positive value specifies a position following the current entry, zero value causes no effect
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the effective entry position is out of range