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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8126616

Embedded : ScrollBar lefts visual remains on the screen


      I have created a single application with HTMLEditor.
      I have entered several lines of text and when i am getting out of bounds scroll bar appears, however some visual remains are visible on the scrollbar panel, please have a look at attached images.
      appears - when i got out of bound
      appearsPlusOne - one more line to the original "appears"
      appearsPlusTwo - one more line to the original "appearsPlusOne"
      appearBackOne - removed one line from the original "appearsPlusTwo"

      I am using http://jfx.us.oracle.com/hudson/view/2.2/job/2.2/label=windows-i586-14/80/

      to run:
      1. javac -cp ./rt/lib/jfxrt.jar pathToFile\ScrollBarIssueApp.java
      2. java -Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true -cp ./rt/lib/jfxrt.jar;pathToFile ScrollBarIssueApp

        1. appear.jpg
          37 kB
          Stanislav Smirnov
        2. appearBackOne.jpg
          35 kB
          Stanislav Smirnov
        3. appearPlusOne.jpg
          35 kB
          Stanislav Smirnov
        4. appearPlusTwo.jpg
          35 kB
          Stanislav Smirnov
        5. ScrollBarIssueApp.java
          0.8 kB
          Stanislav Smirnov

            miflemi Mick Fleming
            stsmirno Stanislav Smirnov (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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