Attach two images: real control in win7(fresh image for build) and difference between win7 and vista on the same build.
Code for creating:
tooltip = new Tooltip("Tooltip\nLine 1 line 1\nLine 2 line 2 line 2 line 2\nLine 3 line 3 line 3 line 3 line 3");
tooltip.setMaxSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setMinSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setPrefSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setGraphic(new Rectangle(10, 10));, window.getX() + 50, window.getY() + 50);
Code for creating:
tooltip = new Tooltip("Tooltip\nLine 1 line 1\nLine 2 line 2 line 2 line 2\nLine 3 line 3 line 3 line 3 line 3");
tooltip.setMaxSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setMinSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setPrefSize(150, 150);
tooltip.setGraphic(new Rectangle(10, 10));, window.getX() + 50, window.getY() + 50);