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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8128487

CurrentTimePropertyEndOfMediaRepeatTest fails when setStartTime(...) and setStopTime(...) is called.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • fx2.1
    • fx2.0, fx2.1
    • javafx
    • Windows XP using 2.0 b45
      Windows XP using 2.0.2 b07

      Similar to RT-16894, when a media is played 2 times and the player setStartTime(...) and setStopTime(...) is used, the following issue occurs.

      1) After the media has played 1 time and the setOnEndOfMedia(...) is called, the currentTimeProperty begins to be updated again for the 2nd time the media is playing. However, the currentTimeProperty is set to the value of setStopTime(...) from the very beginning, instead of a value equal to or close to the value of setStartTime(...).

      2) The currentTimeProperty is not always updated after the media is repeated.

      Please see the output below:

      56 currentTime: 7647.256235000001
      57 currentTime: 7738.730158
      58 currentTime: 7848.843537
      59 currentTime: 7947.165532
      0 currentTime: 8200.0
      1 currentTime: 2055.6462579999998
      [MTS] cleanup test
      2 currentTime: 0.0
      [MTS] cleanup test
      [MTS] test failed (currentTimeProperty should be reset back to the beginning of
      the media after eom is called)
      [MTS] test failed (currentTimeProperty should be reset back to the beginning of
      the media after eom is called)
      mts.java.automated.CurrentTimePropertyEndOfMediaRepeatTest failed.

            mowerfel Marc Owerfeldt
            sjchan Steven Chan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
