Continuing my table experimentations, I was wondering why when looking for a row on a custom cell renderer to test for null?
It seems that getRow returns null on the first calls?
It is an issue for cells for which the values are updated only once (for example, I have a table with countries, and I have flags for them that I set dynamically), only playing with the scrollbar calls the cell renderer which renders the flag because getRow is not null....
See https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2313767&tstart=15
Continuing my table experimentations, I was wondering why when looking for a row on a custom cell renderer to test for null?
It seems that getRow returns null on the first calls?
It is an issue for cells for which the values are updated only once (for example, I have a table with countries, and I have flags for them that I set dynamically), only playing with the scrollbar calls the cell renderer which renders the flag because getRow is not null....
See https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2313767&tstart=15