Resolution: Delivered
Michael Haupt
Enhance the MethodHandle
, MethodHandles
, and MethodHandles.Lookup
classes of the java.lang.invoke
package to ease common use cases and
enable better compiler optimizations by means of new MethodHandle
combinators and lookup refinement.
In the
class in thejava.lang.invoke
package, provide newMethodHandle
combinators for loops and try/finally blocks.Enhance the
classes with newMethodHandle
combinators for argument handling.Implement new lookups for interface methods and, optionally, super constructors in the
With the exception of possibly-required native functionality, VM-level extensions and enhancements, specifically compiler optimizations, are a non-goal.
Extensions at the Java language level are explicitly out of scope.
In a thread on the mlvm-dev
mailing list
(part 1,
part 2)
developers have discussed possible extensions to the MethodHandle
, and MethodHandles.Lookup
classes in the
package to make the realization of common use cases
easier, and also to allow for use cases that are deemed important but are
currently not supported.
The extensions proposed below not only allow for more concise usage of
the MethodHandle
API, but they also reduce the amount of MethodHandle
instances created in some cases. This, in turn, will facilitate better
optimizations on behalf of the VM's compiler.
Combinators for More Statements
Loops. The MethodHandles
class provides no abstractions for loop
construction from MethodHandle
instances. There should be a means for
constructing loops from MethodHandle
s representing the loop's body, as well as
initialization and condition, or count.
Try/finally blocks. MethodHandles
also provides no abstraction for
try/finally blocks. A method to construct such blocks from method handles
representing the try
and finally
parts should be provided.
Better Argument Handling
Argument spreading. With MethodHandle.asSpreader(Class<?> arrayType, int
, there exists an operation to create a method handle that will
spread the contents of a trailing array argument to a number of arguments. An
additional asSpreader
method should be provided, allowing to expand a number
of arguments contained in an array anywhere in a method signature to a number of
distinct arguments.
Argument collection. The method MethodHandle.asCollector(Class<?>
arrayType, int arrayLength)
produces a handle that collects the trailing
arguments into an array. There is no means for achieving the same
for a number of arguments elsewhere in a method signature. There should be an
additional asCollector
method that supports this.
Argument folding. The folding combinator, foldArguments(MethodHandle
target, MethodHandle combinator)
, does not allow to control the position in the
argument list at which folding should start. A position argument should be
added; the number of arguments to fold is implicitly given as the number of
arguments the combinator
More Lookup Functions
Non-abstract methods in interfaces. Currently, a use case such as this one will fail at run-time at the indicated position:
interface I1 {
default void m() { System.err.println("I1.m"); }
interface I2 {
default void m() { System.err.println("I2.m"); }
class C implements I1, I2 {
public void m() { I2.super.m(); System.err.println("C.m"); }
public class IfcSuper {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
C c = new C();
MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
MethodType t = MethodType.methodType(void.class);
// This lookup will fail with an IllegalAccessException.
MethodHandle di1m = l.findSpecial(I1.class, "m", t, C.class);
It should, however, be possible to construct MethodHandle
s that bind to
non-abstract methods in interfaces.
Class lookup. Finally, the lookup API should allow for looking up classes
from different contexts, which is currently not possible. In the MethodHandles
area, all required access checks are done at lookup time (as opposed to
run-time, as is the case with reflection). Classes are passed in terms of their
instance. To facilitate lookups with a certain control over the
context, e.g., across module boundaries, there should be a lookup method that
delivers a Class
instance with the right restrictions for further use in
Combinators for Loops
Most Generic Loop Abstraction
The core abstractions for loops include an initialization of the loop, a
predicate to check, and a body to evaluate. The most generic MethodHandle
combinator for creating a loop, to be added to MethodHandles
, is as follows:
MethodHandle loop(MethodHandle[]... clauses)
Constructs a method handle representing a loop with several loop variables that are updated and checked upon each iteration. Upon termination of the loop due to one of the predicates, a corresponding finalizer is run and delivers the loop's result, which is the return value of the resulting handle.
Intuitively, every loop is formed by one or more "clauses", each specifying a local iteration value and/or a loop exit. Each iteration of the loop executes each clause in order. A clause can optionally update its iteration variable; it can also optionally perform a test and conditional loop exit. In order to express this logic in terms of method handles, each clause will determine four actions:
Before the loop executes, the initialization of an iteration variable or loop invariant local.
When a clause executes, an update step for the iteration variable.
When a clause executes, a predicate execution to test for loop exit.
If a clause causes a loop exit, a finalizer execution to compute the loop's return value.
Some of these clause parts may be omitted according to certain rules, and useful default behavior is provided in this case. See below for a detailed description.
Each clause function, with the exception of clause initializers, is able to
observe the entire loop state, because it will be passed all current
iteration variable values, as well as all incoming loop parameters. Most clause
functions will not need all of this information, but they will be formally
connected as if by dropArguments
Given a set of clauses, there is a number of checks and adjustments performed to
connect all the parts of the loop. They are spelled out in detail in the steps
below. In these steps, every occurrence of the word "must" corresponds to a
place where IllegalArgumentException
may be thrown if the required
constraint is not met by the inputs to the loop combinator. The term
"effectively identical", applied to parameter type lists, means that they must
be identical, or else one list must be a proper prefix of the other.
Step 0: Determine clause structure.
The clause array (of type
must be non-null
and contain at least one element.The clause array may not contain
s or sub-arrays longer than four elements.Clauses shorter than four elements are treated as if they were padded by
elements to length four. Padding takes place by appending elements to the array.Clauses with all
s are disregarded.Each clause is treated as a four-tuple of functions, called "init", "step", "pred", and "fini".
Step 1A: Determine iteration variables.
Examine init and step function return types, pairwise, to determine each clause's iteration variable type.
If both functions are omitted, use
; else if one is omitted, use the other's return type; else use the common return type (they must be identical).Form the list of return types (in clause order), omitting all occurrences of
.This list of types is called the "common prefix".
Step 1B: Determine loop parameters.
Examine init function parameter lists.
Omitted init functions are deemed to have
parameter lists.All init function parameter lists must be effectively identical.
The longest parameter list (which is necessarily unique) is called the "common suffix".
Step 1C: Determine loop return type.
Examine fini function return types, disregarding omitted fini functions.
If there are no fini functions, use
as the loop return type.Otherwise, use the common return type of the fini functions; they must all be identical.
Step 1D: Check other types.
There must be at least one non-omitted pred function.
Every non-omitted pred function must have a
return type.
(Implementation Note: Steps 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D are logically independent of each other, and may be performed in any order.)
Step 2: Determine parameter lists.
The parameter list for the resulting loop handle will be the "common suffix".
The parameter list for init functions will be adjusted to the "common suffix". (Note that their parameter lists are already effectively identical to the common suffix.)
The parameter list for non-init (step, pred, and fini) functions will be adjusted to the common prefix followed by the common suffix, called the "common parameter sequence".
Every non-init, non-omitted function parameter list must be effectively identical to the common parameter sequence.
Step 3: Fill in omitted functions.
If an init function is omitted, use a constant function of the appropriate
type. (For this purpose, a constantvoid
is simply a function which does nothing and returnsvoid
; it can be obtained from another constant function by type conversion viaMethodHandle.asType type
.)If a step function is omitted, use an identity function of the clause's iteration variable type; insert dropped argument parameters before the identity function parameter for the non-
iteration variables of preceding clauses. (This will turn the loop variable into a local loop invariant.)If a pred function is omitted, the corresponding fini function must also be omitted.
If a pred function is omitted, use a constant
function. (This will keep the loop going, as far as this clause is concerned.)If a fini function is omitted, use a constant
function of the loop return type.
Step 4: Fill in missing parameter types.
At this point, every init function parameter list is effectively identical to the common suffix, but some lists may be shorter. For every init function with a short parameter list, pad out the end of the list by dropping arguments.
At this point, every non-init function parameter list is effectively identical to the common parameter sequence, but some lists may be shorter. For every non-init function with a short parameter list, pad out the end of the list by dropping arguments.
Final observations.
After these steps, all clauses have been adjusted by supplying omitted functions and arguments.
All init functions have a common parameter type list, which the final loop handle will also have.
All fini functions have a common return type, which the final loop handle will also have.
All non-init functions have a common parameter type list, which is the common parameter sequence, of (non-
) iteration variables followed by loop parameters.Each pair of init and step functions agrees in their return types.
Each non-init function will be able to observe the current values of all iteration variables, by means of the common prefix.
Loop execution.
When the loop is called, the loop input values are saved in locals, to be passed (as the common suffix) to every clause function. These locals are loop invariant.
Each init function is executed in clause order (passing the common suffix) and the non-
values are saved (as the common prefix) into locals. These locals are loop varying (unless their steps are identity functions, as noted above).All function executions (except init functions) will be passed the common parameter sequence, consisting of the non-
iteration values (in clause order) and then the loop inputs (in argument order).The step and pred functions are then executed, in clause order (step before pred), until a pred function returns
.The non-
result from a step function call is used to update the corresponding loop variable. The updated value is immediately visible to all subsequent function calls.If a pred function returns
, the corresponding fini function is called, and the resulting value is returned from the loop as a whole.
The semantics of a MethodHandle
returned from loop
are as follows:
l(arg*) =>
let v* = init*(arg*);
for (;;) {
for ((v, s, p, f) in (v*, step*, pred*, fini*)) {
v = s(v*, arg*);
if (!p(v*, arg*)) {
return f(v*, arg*);
Based on this most generic abstraction of loops, several convenient combinators
should be added to MethodHandles
. They are discussed in the following.
Simple while and do-while Loops
These combinators will be added to MethodHandles
MethodHandle whileLoop(MethodHandle init, MethodHandle pred, MethodHandle body)
MethodHandle doWhileLoop(MethodHandle init, MethodHandle body, MethodHandle pred)
The semantics of invoking the MethodHandle
object wl
returned from
are as follows:
wl(arg*) =>
let r = init(arg*);
while (pred(r, arg*)) { r = body(r, arg*); }
return r;
For a MethodHandle
returned from doWhileLoop
, the semantics are as
dwl(arg*) =>
let r = init(arg*);
do { r = body(r, arg*); } while (pred(r, arg*));
return r;
This scheme imposes some restrictions on the signatures that the three
constituent MethodHandle
s can have:
The return type of the initializer
, is also the return type of the bodybody
and of the entire loop, as well as the type of the first argument of the predicatepred
and the bodybody
.The return type of the predicate
must beboolean
Counting Loops
For convenience, the following loop combinators will also be provided:
MethodHandle countedLoop(MethodHandle iterations, MethodHandle init, MethodHandle body)
returned fromcountedLoop
has the following semantics:cl(arg*) => { let end = iterations(arg*); let r = init(arg*); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { r = body(i, r, arg*); } return r; }
MethodHandle countedLoop(MethodHandle start, MethodHandle end, MethodHandle init, MethodHandle body)
returned from this variant ofcountedLoop
has the following semantics:cl(arg*) => { let s = start(arg*); let e = end(arg*); let r = init(arg*); for (int i = s; i < e; i++) { r = body(i, r, arg*); } return r; }
In these two cases, the type of the first argument of body
must be int
, and
the return types of init
and body
as well as the second argument of body
must be the same.
Iteration Over Data Structures
Furthermore, a loop combinator for iteration is helpful:
MethodHandle iteratedLoop(MethodHandle iterator, MethodHandle init, MethodHandle body)
returned fromiteratedLoop
has the following semantics:it(arg*) => { let it = iterator(arg*); let v = init(arg*); for (T t : it) { v = body(t, v, a); } return v; }
More convenience loop combinators are conceivable.
While the semantics of continue
can easily be emulated by returning from the
body, it is an open question how the semantics of break
can be emulated. This
could be achieved by using a dedicated exception (e.g.,
Combinator for try
To facilitate the construction of functionality with try/finally semantics from
s, the following new combinator will be introduced to
MethodHandle tryFinally(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle cleanup)
The semantics of invoking a MethodHandle
returned from tryFinally
as follows:
tf(arg*) =>
Throwable t;
Object r;
try {
r = target(arg*);
} catch (Throwable x) {
t = x;
throw x;
} finally {
r = cleanup(t, r, arg*);
return r;
That is, the return type of the resulting MethodHandle
will be that of the
handle. Both the target
and the cleanup
must have matching argument
lists, with the extension for cleanup
that it accepts one Throwable
argument and the - possibly intermediate - result. In case an exception was
thrown during the execution of target
, this argument will hold that exception.
Combinators for Argument Handling
As additions to the existing API in MethodHandles
, the following methods will
be introduced:
Addition to the class
- new instance method:MethodHandle asSpreader(int pos, Class<?> arrayType, int arrayLength)
In the signature of the result, at position
, expectarrayLength
arguments of typearrayType
. In the result, insert an array consumingarrayLength
arguments ofthis
. If the signature ofthis
does not have enough arguments at that position, or if the position does not exist in the signature, raise an appropriate exception.For example, if the signature of
, callingasSpreader(int[].class, 1, 3)
will lead to the resulting signature(Ljava/lang/String;[ILjava/lang/Object;)V
.Addition to the class
- new instance method:MethodHandle asCollector(int pos, Class<?> arrayType, int arrayLength)
In the signature of
, at positionpos
, expect an array argument. In the signature of the result, at positionpos
, there will bearrayLength
arguments of the type of that array. All arguments beforepos
are not affected. All arguments afterpos
are shifted to the right byarrayLength
. It is expected that the arguments to be spread are available in the array at run-time; in case they are not, anArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown.For example, if the signature of
, callingasCollector(int[].class, 1, 3)
will lead to the resulting signature(Ljava/lang/String;IIILjava/lang/Object;)V
.Addition to the class
- new static method:MethodHandle foldArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle combiner)
The resulting
will, when invoked, act like the existing methodfoldArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle combiner)
with the difference that the already existing method implies a folding position of0
, while the proposed new method allows for specifying a folding position other than0
.For example, if the
signature is(ZLjava/lang/String;ZI)I
, and thecombiner
signature is(ZI)Ljava/lang/String;
, callingfoldArguments(target, 1, combiner)
will lead to the resulting signature(ZZI)I
, and the second and third (boolean
) arguments will be folded into aString
upon each invocation.
These new combinators will be implemented using existing abstractions and API. If required, non-public API will be modified.
The implementation of the method MethodHandles.Lookup.findSpecial(Class<?>
refc, String name, MethodType type, Class<?> specialCaller)
will be modified to
allow for finding super
-callable methods on interfaces. While this is not a
change of the API as such, its documented behaviour changes significantly.
Also, the MethodHandles.Lookup
class will be extended with the following two
Class<?> findClass(String targetName)
This retrieves an instance of
representing the desired target class identified by thetargetName
. The lookup applies the restrictions defined by the implicit access context. In case the access is not possible, the method raises an appropriate exception.Class<?> accessClass(Class<?> targetClass)
This attempts to access the given class, applying the restrictions defined by the implicit access context. In case the access is not possible, the method raises an appropriate exception.
Risks and Assumptions
As this is a purely additive API extension, no code that existing clients of
the MethodHandle
API use will be negatively affected. The proposed extensions
also do not rely on any other ongoing development.
Unit tests for all of the above API extensions will be provided.
This JEP is related to
JEP 193 (Variable Handles),
and a certain amount of overlap is possible since
s depend on the MethodHandle
API. This will be addressed in
collaboration with the owner of JEP 193.
The JBS issue on JSR 292 enhancements for maintenance releases can be considered a starting point for this JEP, which distills from that issue those points upon which agreement has been reached.
- relates to
JDK-8152020 IAE not thrown if the N argument types at position pos...
- Resolved
JDK-8150782 findClass / accessClass throw unexpected exceptions
- Resolved
JDK-8151179 address issues raised by JCK team on JEP 274 API
- Closed
JDK-8150824 Exceptions when omitting trailing arguments in cleanup
- Closed
JDK-8150825 MethodHandles.tryFinally throws IndexOutOfBoundsException for non-conforming parameter lists
- Closed
JDK-8163004 MethodHandles should have synchronization combinator
- Open
JDK-8143211 provide bytecode intrinsics for loop and try/finally executors
- Resolved
JDK-8150829 Enhanced drop-args, identity and default constant, varargs adjustment
- Resolved
JDK-8162719 Doc tasks for JEP 274: Enhanced Method Handles
- Resolved
JDK-8150832 split T8139885 into several tests by functionality
- Resolved
JDK-8139885 implement JEP 274: enhanced method handles
- Closed
JDK-8139886 implement enhanced method handles (module-relevant parts)
- Closed
JDK-8150360 augment/correct MethodHandle API documentation
- Closed
JDK-8143343 add JEP 274 Javadoc tests to JavaDocExamplesTest
- Resolved