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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8132256

jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/util/ClassPath.java


    • b76

        The class com.sun.org.appache.bcel.internal.util.ClassPath does not seem to serve any useful purpose in the JDK.

         - There's only one instance created, using its default empty constructor.
         - There's only one method called on that instance, from SyntheticRepository.java: _path.getInputStream(className);
         - Because _path was created using the default (and deprecated) empty constructor, and because ClassPath is loaded from the BCL (ClassPath.class.getClassLoader() == null), then _path.getInputStream(className) will always throw an IOException.

        Therefore - it seems that in the JDK - the use of com.sun.org.appache.bcel.internal.util.ClassPath is reduced to an elaborate means of throwing an IOException.
        Whether we could remove this class should be investigated.

              dfuchs Daniel Fuchs
              dfuchs Daniel Fuchs
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