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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8133151

Preferred provider configuration for JCE


    • b89
    • Verified

        This is the bug for Provider Config changes related to JEP 246, subtask 8046943

        Text describing the jdk.security.provider.preferred property added to the java.security file:
        # A list of preferred providers for specific algorithms. These providers will
        # be searched for matching algorithms before the list of registered providers.
        # Entries containing errors (parsing, etc) will be ignored. Use the
        # -Djava.security.debug=jca property to debug these errors.
        # The property is a comma-separated list of serviceType.algorithm:provider
        # entries. The serviceType (example: "MessageDigest") is optional, and if
        # not specified, the algorithm applies to all service types that support it.
        # The algorithm is the standard algorithm name or transformation.
        # Transformations can be specified in their full standard name
        # (ex: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding), or as partial matches (ex: AES, AES/CBC).
        # The provider is the name of the provider. Any provider that does not
        # also appear in the registered list will be ignored.
        # Example:
        # jdk.security.provider.preferred=AES/GCM/NoPadding:SunJCE, MessageDigest.SHA-256:SUN

              ascarpino Anthony Scarpino
              ascarpino Anthony Scarpino
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