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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8136850

The printed document is different with the contents in the editorpane.


      Testsuite name:Swing Function
      Test name(s):Swing_JEditorPane/Manual/TextDocumentPrintingDemo
      Product(s) tested:jdk8u51b16 64bit
      OS/architecture: Solaris11.3-x64

      Error log file:http://scaaa008.us.oracle.com:9502/runs/01107/1107616.ManualSubmit/1107616.ManualSubmit-1/ResultDir/TextDocumentPrintingDemo/TextDocumentPrintingDemo.log

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine:Evergreen-machine

      It is regression:Yes

      [If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build:
      Test result on the last GAed release for this train:
      [if Fail]Test result on FCS:

      Is it a platform specific issue: No (fails same way on 11.2)

      1)same build on win7-sp1-x64 Failed,refer to INTJDK-7619884,

      2)same build on mac10.10-x64 Failed,refer to mac-Chinese(Hong Kong).jpg.

      3)same build on oel6.4-x64 Passed.

      4)solaris11.2-x64 Failed as the same issue

      [If platform specific issue] Is it a new (previously unsupported) OS/browser/mode testing:Yes
      [If new configuration testing] Issue specific to execution mode or OS/browser version: not specific (fails same way on 11.2)

      Steps to reproduce:
      1.Clone the swing functional workspace
      1a. hg clone http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/8 /root/workspace/swing-fun/8
      1b. cd /root/workspace/swing-fun/8
      1c. hg clone http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/8/swing
      2.Install stable bundle JDK7u45b18 from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jdk/7u45/promoted/b18/bundles/solaris-x64 to /root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.7.0_45
      3.Install base bundle JDK8u51b15 from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jdk/8u51/promoted/all/b15/bundles/solaris-x64 to /root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.8.0_51b15
      4. Install test bundle JDK8u51b16 from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jdk/8u51/promoted/all/b16/bundles/solaris-x64 to /root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.8.0_51b16
      5. Download the ute from http://sqeweb.us.oracle.com/net/stt-13.ru.oracle.com/export/home0/ute-dev/bin/ute to /root/workspace/swing-fun/ute
      6. Create result_dir at /root/workspace/swing-fun/results
      7.Create the testlist in the /root/workspace/swing-fun/8/swing/testlist/testlist.Swing_All_Manual as:
      Swing_JEditorPane/Manual/TextDocumentPrintingDemo execute_script "manual,1.6.0,TextDocumentPrintingDemo,Metal,Motif,GTK,Windows"
      8. Modify the test_swing.sh as:
      /root/workspace/swing-fun/ute/ute run -harness tonga -env TONGA_JAR=/root/workspace/swing-fun/ute/tool/tonga/tonga4.0.jar -env KEYWORDS=manual -env BASEBUILD=/root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.8.0_51b15 -env STABLE_JAVA_HOME="/root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.7.0_45" -component swing -jdk "/root/workspace/swing-fun/jdk1.8.0_51b16" -testlist /root/workspace/swing-fun/8/swing/testlist/testlist.Swing_All_Manual -testbase /root/workspace/swing-fun/8/swing -results /root/workspace/swing-fun/results
      9. Go to /root/workspace/swing-fun, and run the command: bash test_swing.sh
      10.Run the test Swing_JEditorPane/Manual/TextDocumentPrintingDemo

      1.Click on "Document Types" menu and select "Styles" option
      2.Click on "Locales" menu and select any other locale option except english
      3.Choose any one of the style document in the left side of the tree
      4.Click on File menu and choose the print option
      5.Click on print button in print dilaog
      6.Verify if the printed document similar to rendered content in the editorpane.

      Actual behavior:
      1.When we select the "German" locale,the printed document is different with the content in the editorpane.refer to solaris11.3-German.jpg.
      2.We use lexmark E260dn.

        1. win10-x86-Thai.jpg
          95 kB
        2. Ubuntu17.04-x64-English.png
          473 kB
        3. solaris11.3-German.jpg
          78 kB
        4. oel7.1-x64-Hidi.png
          1.09 MB
        5. oel7.1-x64-German.png
          594 kB
        6. mac-Chinese(Hong kong).jpg
          mac-Chinese(Hong kong).jpg
          55 kB
        7. Korean.png
          772 kB
        8. Hidi.png
          813 kB

            psadhukhan Prasanta Sadhukhan
            tolli Tony Li (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
