All tests under sqe/uart/performance
- pass on me rPI implementation
- hang up on "Thread joining..."
For example,
controllerName = ttyAMA0
deviceNumber = -1
channelNumber = 1
initBaudRate = 57600
initDataBits = 8
initParity = 1
initStopBits = 1
initFlowcontrol = 0
inputBufferSize = 101
outputBufferSize = 101
== 1
1423365091342: Remote class loaded: name='' Status=SUCCESS
1423365091437: Remote class loaded: name='sqe.common.Util' Status=SUCCESS
In PT_01.check_pt_01() ...
OK - Successfully created a 1024-byte-long byte array.
OK - Start to testing UART transmission with Baud Rate = 57600
OK - Have run for 0 of 80 rounds ...
1423365091545: Remote class loaded: name='sqe.uart.performance.PT_01$Reader' Status=SUCCESS
Created the Reader
Reader started!
Begin Writing...
Begin Reading...
Done writing!!!
- pass on me rPI implementation
- hang up on "Thread joining..."
For example,
controllerName = ttyAMA0
deviceNumber = -1
channelNumber = 1
initBaudRate = 57600
initDataBits = 8
initParity = 1
initStopBits = 1
initFlowcontrol = 0
inputBufferSize = 101
outputBufferSize = 101
== 1
1423365091342: Remote class loaded: name='' Status=SUCCESS
1423365091437: Remote class loaded: name='sqe.common.Util' Status=SUCCESS
In PT_01.check_pt_01() ...
OK - Successfully created a 1024-byte-long byte array.
OK - Start to testing UART transmission with Baud Rate = 57600
OK - Have run for 0 of 80 rounds ...
1423365091545: Remote class loaded: name='sqe.uart.performance.PT_01$Reader' Status=SUCCESS
Created the Reader
Reader started!
Begin Writing...
Begin Reading...
Done writing!!!