-Xprof is a product flag and so we should be able to change the values of these flags in a product build:
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfInterpretedMethods, 25, \
"Number of interpreted methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfCompiledMethods, 25, \
"Number of compiled methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfStubMethods, 25, \
"Number of stub methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfRuntimeStubNodes, 25, \
"Number of runtime stub nodes to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfInterpretedMethods, 25, \
"Number of interpreted methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfCompiledMethods, 25, \
"Number of compiled methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfStubMethods, 25, \
"Number of stub methods to show in profile") \
develop(intx, ProfilerNumberOfRuntimeStubNodes, 25, \
"Number of runtime stub nodes to show in profile") \