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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8141527

AddRemoveTest tests fail as second request to jnlp not getting to server, but resource requests going through fine


    • b01
    • Verified

        Product(s) tested: 7u95 b06
        OS/architecture: Windows x64_64
        Error log file (if present): http://aurora.ru.oracle.com/functional/faces/RunDetails.xhtml?names=1143706.STT-DEPLOYMENT-1
        Reproducible: Always
        Reproducible on machine: spb23094.ru.oracle.com

        Is it a Regression: Yes
        [If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build: 7u95 b01
        Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Pass (7u91 b15)
        Is it a platform specific issue: No
        Exception/Error from Log:
        Test run log location:

        Steps to recreate:
        1. Install jre 7u95 on win7/x86.
        2. Add deployment.trace.level=all to deployment.properties
        3. Add http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com to ESL
        4. Switch java console on.
        5. launch javaws -import http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/jnlp/CacheViewer.jnlp
        The following two entries could be seen in the trace log at AppData/LocalLow/Sun/Java/Deployment/log

        http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/jnlp/CacheViewer.jnlp : 200
        http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/classes/CacheViewerMFSandbox.jar : 200

        The corresponding entries could be seen in Cache Viewer 'Resources' view as well.

        6. launch javaws http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/jnlp/CacheViewer.jnlp
        Expected entries in trace log:
        http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/jnlp/CacheViewer.jnlp : 304
        http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/classes/CacheViewerMFSandbox.jar : 304
        Actual :
        http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/newroot/testsuites/180_user_ws/vivek/AddRemove/classes/CacheViewerMFSandbox.jar : 304

        The entry for jnlp file is not seen

        RULE AddRemoveTest::testAddRemove01 any any
        RULE AddRemoveTest::testAddRemove02 any any
        RULE AddRemoveTest::testAddRemove03 any any
        RULE AddRemoveTest::testAddRemove04 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testEager1 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testEager2 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testEager3 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testEagerConcurrent any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testEagerNoCodeBase any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testIndexing1 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testIndexing2 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testIndexing3 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testIndexing4 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testIndexing5 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testLazy1 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testLazy2 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testLazy3 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testLazy4 any any
        RULE JarDownloadTest::testLazyConcurrent any any

              mcherkas Mikhail Cherkasov (Inactive)
              vtheeyarath Vivek Theeyarath (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
