A user can set environment variable _JAVA_SR_SIGNUM to determine the signal to be used for suspend/resume, see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/signals-139944.html.
When this variable is read, it is checked to be < _NSIG on linux, which is 65.
Later, a signal handler already installed is saved to sigflags[]. As sigflags[] has size MAXSIGNUM==32, handlers are lost.
Also fix handling of impossible _JAVA_SR_SIGNUM settings: issue a warning.
When this variable is read, it is checked to be < _NSIG on linux, which is 65.
Later, a signal handler already installed is saved to sigflags[]. As sigflags[] has size MAXSIGNUM==32, handlers are lost.
Also fix handling of impossible _JAVA_SR_SIGNUM settings: issue a warning.