Exceptions are seen while loading applets in Win7/Vista platforms. Please see the comment section for more details.
Testsuite: AppletRelaunchImprove in plugin
Test name(s): testImproveAppletRelaunch
Product(s) tested:Jre6u111b08 32bit
OS/architecture:Windows 7 sp1 x86
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine:egtc
Is it a Regression:No
jre6u111b08-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-IE9: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u105b12-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u101b14-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u91b13-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u75b12-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Failed as the same issue. (Win7-sp1-x86-jre6u105b12-32bit-FF42)
[if Fail] Test result on FCS: There is no the plugin on jre1.6.0.
Is it a platform specific issue: Yes
Exception/Error from Log: http://scaaa008.us.oracle.com:9502/runs/01170/1170917.ManualSubmit/1170917.ManualSubmit-1/AppletRelaunchImproveScenarios/testImproveAppletRelaunch.jtr
Copy JDF workspace,install test jre,and run this case
Steps to reproduce:
1.clone the test workspace: hg clone http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/8/deployment2/
2.Install test JDK6u111b08/32bit: download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/6u111/promoted/fcs/b08/bundles and set JAVA_HOME env
3.Install ANT (version:1.9.3) and set ANT_HOME env ( there is a ant under /core/ws/tools/ and unpack .zip package)
4.Install test firefox browser.
5.launch testsuite: ant -f buildpluginmanual.xml AppletRelaunchImprove
6.Run testcase AppletRelaunchImprove/testImproveAppletRelaunch.html and follow the steps:
1). This case is only apply to win7/vista
2). Set the following env vars to show debug output in console: JPI_PLUGIN2_DEBUG=1
3). Launch an applet from browser: http://localhost:8080/AppletRelaunchImprove/html/launch.html
4). There will be another popup with log messages. Check the log messages in it. Check only Java console, do not check black Windows console.
5). If you don't see any info like "JVMLauncher.processArg[0]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\jp2launcher.exe", then this case passes(this means that app is not relaunched using jp2launcher). Otherwise set it as fail.
The actual result:
The java.lang.Exception and java.net.MalformedURLException will be thrown when loading the applet. Please refer to AppletRelaunchImprove.png,AppletRelaunchImprove-1.txt and AppletRelaunchImprove-2.txt.
Testsuite: AppletRelaunchImprove in plugin
Test name(s): testImproveAppletRelaunch
Product(s) tested:Jre6u111b08 32bit
OS/architecture:Windows 7 sp1 x86
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine:egtc
Is it a Regression:No
jre6u111b08-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-IE9: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u105b12-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u101b14-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u91b13-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
jre6u75b12-32bit-Win7-sp1-x86-FF42: Failed as the same issue.
Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Failed as the same issue. (Win7-sp1-x86-jre6u105b12-32bit-FF42)
[if Fail] Test result on FCS: There is no the plugin on jre1.6.0.
Is it a platform specific issue: Yes
Exception/Error from Log: http://scaaa008.us.oracle.com:9502/runs/01170/1170917.ManualSubmit/1170917.ManualSubmit-1/AppletRelaunchImproveScenarios/testImproveAppletRelaunch.jtr
Copy JDF workspace,install test jre,and run this case
Steps to reproduce:
1.clone the test workspace: hg clone http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/8/deployment2/
2.Install test JDK6u111b08/32bit: download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/6u111/promoted/fcs/b08/bundles and set JAVA_HOME env
3.Install ANT (version:1.9.3) and set ANT_HOME env ( there is a ant under /core/ws/tools/ and unpack .zip package)
4.Install test firefox browser.
5.launch testsuite: ant -f buildpluginmanual.xml AppletRelaunchImprove
6.Run testcase AppletRelaunchImprove/testImproveAppletRelaunch.html and follow the steps:
1). This case is only apply to win7/vista
2). Set the following env vars to show debug output in console: JPI_PLUGIN2_DEBUG=1
3). Launch an applet from browser: http://localhost:8080/AppletRelaunchImprove/html/launch.html
4). There will be another popup with log messages. Check the log messages in it. Check only Java console, do not check black Windows console.
5). If you don't see any info like "JVMLauncher.processArg[0]: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\jp2launcher.exe", then this case passes(this means that app is not relaunched using jp2launcher). Otherwise set it as fail.
The actual result:
The java.lang.Exception and java.net.MalformedURLException will be thrown when loading the applet. Please refer to AppletRelaunchImprove.png,AppletRelaunchImprove-1.txt and AppletRelaunchImprove-2.txt.