See this version of systemDictionary.cpp
instanceKlassHandle SystemDictionary::load_shared_class(instanceKlassHandle ik,
Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) {
if (ik.not_null()) {
instanceKlassHandle nh = instanceKlassHandle(); // null Handle
Symbol* class_name = ik->name();
// Found the class, now load the superclass and interfaces. If they
// are shared, add them to the main system dictionary and reset
// their hierarchy references (supers, subs, and interfaces).
if (ik->super() != NULL) {
Symbol* cn = ik->super()->name();
Klass *s = resolve_super_or_fail(class_name, cn,
class_loader, protection_domain, true, CHECK_(nh));
if (s != ik->super()) {
// The dynamically resolved super class is not the same as the one we used during dump time,
// so we cannot use ik.
return nh;
Array<Klass*>* interfaces = ik->local_interfaces();
int num_interfaces = interfaces->length();
for (int index = 0; index < num_interfaces; index++) {
Klass* k = interfaces->at(index);
// Note: can not use InstanceKlass::cast here because
// interfaces' InstanceKlass's C++ vtbls haven't been
// reinitialized yet (they will be once the interface classes
// are loaded)
Symbol* name = k->name();
Klass* i = resolve_super_or_fail(class_name, name, class_loader, protection_domain, false, CHECK_(nh));
if (k != i) {
// The dynamically resolved interface class is not the same as the one we used during dump time,
// so we cannot use ik.
return nh;
The "// Found the class ..." comment is wrong and unclear. There is no "resetting their hierarchy references" happening here.
instanceKlassHandle SystemDictionary::load_shared_class(instanceKlassHandle ik,
Handle class_loader,
Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) {
if (ik.not_null()) {
instanceKlassHandle nh = instanceKlassHandle(); // null Handle
Symbol* class_name = ik->name();
// Found the class, now load the superclass and interfaces. If they
// are shared, add them to the main system dictionary and reset
// their hierarchy references (supers, subs, and interfaces).
if (ik->super() != NULL) {
Symbol* cn = ik->super()->name();
Klass *s = resolve_super_or_fail(class_name, cn,
class_loader, protection_domain, true, CHECK_(nh));
if (s != ik->super()) {
// The dynamically resolved super class is not the same as the one we used during dump time,
// so we cannot use ik.
return nh;
Array<Klass*>* interfaces = ik->local_interfaces();
int num_interfaces = interfaces->length();
for (int index = 0; index < num_interfaces; index++) {
Klass* k = interfaces->at(index);
// Note: can not use InstanceKlass::cast here because
// interfaces' InstanceKlass's C++ vtbls haven't been
// reinitialized yet (they will be once the interface classes
// are loaded)
Symbol* name = k->name();
Klass* i = resolve_super_or_fail(class_name, name, class_loader, protection_domain, false, CHECK_(nh));
if (k != i) {
// The dynamically resolved interface class is not the same as the one we used during dump time,
// so we cannot use ik.
return nh;
The "// Found the class ..." comment is wrong and unclear. There is no "resetting their hierarchy references" happening here.