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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8145937

Not able to enter text and pop menu disappearing on Mouseover Menu


    • web

        This is a regression from 8u60.

        use case: 1. Mouseover on menu which has input field. 2. Try to enter the text in input field.

        Actual result: Not able to enter the text as popup disappearing.

        There are few sites like
        1. http://www.emirates.com/in/english/ and mouseover "Manage". Try to enter "last name" OR "booking reference" in "find your booking". Now pop up disappears and not able to enter the text.
        2. www.britishairways.com/travel/home/public/en_us and mouse over "Manage My Booking". Not able to enter input in fields for "Online check-in" or "Find my booking".

              mbilla Murali Billa
              mbilla Murali Billa
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