When we dump replay data for boolean fields we use integer value StaticFinalFieldPrinter::do_fields() :
case T_BOOLEAN: _out->print_cr("%d", mirror->bool_field(fd->offset())); break;
When we read it back during rerun we use atol() instead of atoi():
} else if (strcmp(field_signature, "Z") == 0) {
int value = atol(string_value);
java_mirror->bool_field_put(fd.offset(), value);
Some C++ compilers may complain that we loose value when casting long to int. We should use atoi() here as for other integers fields.
case T_BOOLEAN: _out->print_cr("%d", mirror->bool_field(fd->offset())); break;
When we read it back during rerun we use atol() instead of atoi():
} else if (strcmp(field_signature, "Z") == 0) {
int value = atol(string_value);
java_mirror->bool_field_put(fd.offset(), value);
Some C++ compilers may complain that we loose value when casting long to int. We should use atoi() here as for other integers fields.