Stages safe execution of post loops without range check usage up to point that key range checks are required or exposes range check elimination fully in post loops.
Tested as follows:
SpecJvm2008 windows: HSW(64/32 bit): SKX(64/32 bit) : KNL (64/32 bit)
linux: SKX(64-bit)
jtreg: windows: HSW(64/32 bit)
Tested as follows:
SpecJvm2008 windows: HSW(64/32 bit): SKX(64/32 bit) : KNL (64/32 bit)
linux: SKX(64-bit)
jtreg: windows: HSW(64/32 bit)
- relates to
JDK-8183390 Fix and re-enable post loop vectorization
- Resolved
JDK-8154763 Crash with "assert(RangeCheckElimination)" if RangeCheckElimination is disabled
- Resolved
JDK-8153998 Masked vector post loops
- Resolved
JDK-8159016 Over-unrolled loop is partially removed
- Resolved
JDK-8183103 Post loop vectorization produces incorrect results
- Closed
JDK-8307084 C2: Vectorized drain loop is not executed for some small trip counts
- In Progress
(1 relates to)