(Note that JIRA strips some of the extra spaces, so just follow the commands for a better example)
For environments with limited widths (e.g. laptops), much of the jdeps output is very difficult to read without scrolling horizontally.
For example, even the -help produces output like this on a standard 80 char terminal. Notice all the extra lines/breaks, this is a straight copy/paste from a fixed width font term:
% jdeps -help
Usage: jdeps <options> <classes...>
-apionly Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences
from the signature of public and protected
members of public classes including field
type, method parameter types, returned type
checked exception types etc
-R -recursive Recursively traverse all dependencies.
The -R option implies -filter:none. If -p,
-e, -f
option is specified, only the matching depe
are analyzed.
-jdkinternals Finds class-level dependences on JDK intern
al APIs.
By default, it analyzes all classes on -cla
and input files unless -include option is s
This option cannot be used with -p, -e and
-s options.
WARNING: JDK internal APIs may not be acces
sible in
the next release.
-version Version information
A simple jdeps -v produces:
% deps -v Junky.jar
Junky.jar -> D:\java\bootdirs\jdk1.8.0_77\jre\lib\jce.jar
Junky.jar -> not found
Junky.jar -> D:\java\bootdirs\jdk1.8.0_77\jre\lib\rt.jar
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.CallSi
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method
For environments with limited widths (e.g. laptops), much of the jdeps output is very difficult to read without scrolling horizontally.
For example, even the -help produces output like this on a standard 80 char terminal. Notice all the extra lines/breaks, this is a straight copy/paste from a fixed width font term:
% jdeps -help
Usage: jdeps <options> <classes...>
-apionly Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences
from the signature of public and protected
members of public classes including field
type, method parameter types, returned type
checked exception types etc
-R -recursive Recursively traverse all dependencies.
The -R option implies -filter:none. If -p,
-e, -f
option is specified, only the matching depe
are analyzed.
-jdkinternals Finds class-level dependences on JDK intern
al APIs.
By default, it analyzes all classes on -cla
and input files unless -include option is s
This option cannot be used with -p, -e and
-s options.
WARNING: JDK internal APIs may not be acces
sible in
the next release.
-version Version information
A simple jdeps -v produces:
% deps -v Junky.jar
Junky.jar -> D:\java\bootdirs\jdk1.8.0_77\jre\lib\jce.jar
Junky.jar -> not found
Junky.jar -> D:\java\bootdirs\jdk1.8.0_77\jre\lib\rt.jar
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.CallSi
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method
junky.Junky -> java.lang.invoke.Method