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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8153805

Revamped JCP: Advanced-Network Tab Voiceover/JAWS issues


        Network sub tab:
        Radio buttons which have some modifiable content (like text box, checkbox ..) does not read the radio button content when tabbed into it. It only reads the text box content. This can be confusing for the users (blind users).

        Advanced proxy settings does not read the column name or content.
        There is no ok/cancel button to come out of the advanced proxy settings tab. Using keyboard alone we cannot close this tab (workaround: use alt + F4 - no workaround for mac)

        Pressing tab in the text area gives space (equal to a tab) but does not come out of it. ---> Not an issue. Expected behavior

              vrao Vivek Rao (Inactive)
              vrao Vivek Rao (Inactive)
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