classresolve => class, resolve
classinit => class, init
classload => class, load
classunload => class, unload
classloaderdata => class, loaderdata
(classload, constraints)*** => class, loaderconstraints
(classload, preorder)*** => class, preorder
***These tags have already been split, but we will adjust how they are split. The base tag will become class instead of classload.
The following safepoint related tags will be adjusted:
safepointcleanup => safepoint, cleanup
classinit => class, init
classload => class, load
classunload => class, unload
classloaderdata => class, loaderdata
(classload, constraints)*** => class, loaderconstraints
(classload, preorder)*** => class, preorder
***These tags have already been split, but we will adjust how they are split. The base tag will become class instead of classload.
The following safepoint related tags will be adjusted:
safepointcleanup => safepoint, cleanup