There is a guarantee of isBit(imm8) for jccb which can sometimes fail when upper bank marshaling is required for instructions without EVEX or conditionally EVEX support, as the side effect code can push us over the imm8 limit. The effect is limited to macro assembler functions for x86.
I already have fix for this.
Tested as follows:
SpecJvm2008 windows: HSW(64/32 bit): SKX(64/32 bit) : KNL (64/32 bit)
linux: SKX(64-bit)
jtreg: windows: HSW(64/32 bit) , skx(64/32-bit)
I already have fix for this.
Tested as follows:
SpecJvm2008 windows: HSW(64/32 bit): SKX(64/32 bit) : KNL (64/32 bit)
linux: SKX(64-bit)
jtreg: windows: HSW(64/32 bit) , skx(64/32-bit)