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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8155211

Ucrypto Library leaks native memory


    • b82
    • b118

        We observed memory leaks in the ucrypto library when running benchmarks. Millions on small allocations (1byte) allocated in Java_com_oracle_security_ucrypto_NativeCipher_nativeFinal().

        Code analysis showed that the output buffer for the cypher operation was not freed under all circumstances.

        Leaks could occur if:
        - the output len of the output array was 0 or the output write position is at the end of the output array. In this case, calloc(0) was performed, which yields a valid small allocation, which then is never freed.
        - theoretically, if CypherFinal() sets the output length to 0.

        This was introduced with JDK-8130875.

              stuefe Thomas Stuefe
              stuefe Thomas Stuefe
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