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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8155645

aarch32: Turn off critical JNI


    • aarch32
    • linux

      Since aarch32 has no support critical jni entries (a most of required routines are unimplemented).
      I would like to suggest to turn off this feature.

      The idea it to switching off this flag in VM_Version::initialize()
      although it is not the best place to do such things I can't find any better one.

      The good assumption is to disable it in globals_aarch32.hpp,
      but eventually CriticalJNINatives flag was not declared as platform dependant.

      Moreover the flag UseBiasedLocking seems not to be turned off in despite of
      confusing line "define_pd_global(bool, UseBiasedLocking, false);" in globals_aarch32.hpp

            enevill Ed Nevill
            enevill Ed Nevill
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