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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8158211

Digest authentication dialog would pop up again and again.


    • x86
    • windows_8

      Testsuite:showdocument in plugin
      Test name(s):showdocumentScenarios/DIGESTauth.html
      Product(s) tested:Jre9b120/32bit

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine:egtc

      Is it a Regression:
      [If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build:

      Test result on the last GAed release for this train:

      [if Fail] Test result on FCS:

      Is it a platform specific issue:

      1.Add http://mossad.us.oracle.com:8080/ to the Exception Site List in Java Control Panel->Security
      2.Clear cache and load following applet inside browser under test http://mossad.us.oracle.com:8080/digestAuth/tests/appletOpenDigestAuthHtml.html There should be auth pop-up from browser. Enter following info user: jituD pass : jitu
      3.Due to open bug you could see auth dialog form java(sometimes it's not there), supply same credentials as above
      4.Only applies to JRE version 7u11 and later. A security warning dialog will pop-up asking you if you want to run the application. Cick "Run" to accept.
      5.Make sure that applet should get loaded fine. This applet will now load another applet inside the same window using showDocument
      6.Note: Due to open bug you could see auth dialog form java(sometimes it's not there), supply same credentials as above
      7.Make sure that second applet should also get loaded fine
      8.Remove all entries from the Exception Site List in Java Control Panel->Security

      The actual result:
      At step3,When enter user as "jituD" and password "jitu" ,authentication dialog from Java authentication dialog from Java would pop up again and again.Please refer to plugin-showdocument-fail2.png.

            jijising Jitender Singh (Inactive)
            michaelw Michael Wang (Inactive)
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