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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8158963

RMI server-side multiplex protocol should be disabled


    • b144
    • Verified

      The RMI code supports a disused protocol called the "multiplex" protocol. This was removed by JDK-4183204 in JDK 1.2.2.

      The server side of the RMI protocol should be disabled and eventually removed.

      A system property "sun.rmi.transport.tcp.enableMultiplexProtocol" can be added with a default of "false".

      In TCPTransport.ConnectionHandler.run(), the boolean should be checked when a request is received to create a multiplexProtocol connection.
      If the flag is false, it should send log the rejection and send a Nak.

      For compatibility, setting the system property to true will accept and process the request as before.

            rriggs Roger Riggs
            rriggs Roger Riggs
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