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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8075810 LogManager.readConfiguration may throw undocumented IllegalArgumentException
  3. JDK-8159088

Release Note: LogManager.readConfiguration will no longer propagate IllegalArgumentException directly when the logging configuration property file contains invalid unicode escape sequences.


      `LogManager.readConfiguration` calls `Properties.load`, which may throw `IllegalArgumentException` if it encounters an invalid unicode escape sequence in the input stream.
      In previous versions of the JDK, the IllegalArgumentException was simply propagated to the caller. This was however in violation of the specification, since `LogManager.readConfiguration` is not specified to throw `IllegalArgumentException`. Instead, it is specified to throw `IOException` <i>''if there are problems reading from the stream''</i>.
      In Java SE 9, `LogManager.readConfiguration` will no longer propagate such `IllegalArgumentException` directly, but will wrap it inside an `IOException` in order to conform to the specification.

            dfuchs Daniel Fuchs
            rcalnan Roger Calnan
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