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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8159453

Security settings block an untrusted application from running in 7u101


      Suddenly using Java 7 u101 we have an error message from client Windows PC
      "Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running".
      We are downloading a JNLP doing then a Java Web start.

      We have a valid JAVA certificate and we tested on a HTTPS self-signed as on a
      server with a valid APACHE certificate. In both cases we have this blocking issue.
      Until Java 7 u99 everything was working. If we add the HTTPS URL to the security
      list the application is working.

      Just to add that we are using 32 Java version on a 64bit Windows operating
      system (2008/2012/8.1/10)

            alitvinov Anton Litvinov (Inactive)
            shadowbug Shadow Bug
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
