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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8159464

Tests hit assert in G1 code


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • 9
    • 9
    • hotspot
    • gc
    • b131
    • Verified

      # Internal Error (/opt/jprt/T/P1/174635.mockner/s/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1DefaultPolicy.cpp:354), pid=15763, tid=13059
      # assert(!predict_will_fit(min_young_length + 1, base_time_ms, base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) failed: min_young_length, the result of the binary search, should be optimal, so no larger length should fit into the pause target

      Current thread (0x00007fcb14813000): ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Young RemSet Sampling" [stack: 0x000000012783e000,0x000000012793e000] [id=13059]

      Stack: [0x000000012783e000,0x000000012793e000], sp=0x000000012793da90, free space=1022k
      Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
      V [libjvm.dylib+0xbff4d3] VMError::report_and_die(int, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*, Thread*, unsigned char*, void*, void*, char const*, int, unsigned long)+0x42f
      V [libjvm.dylib+0xbffc9c] VMError::report_and_die(Thread*, char const*, int, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*)+0x4a
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x473489] report_vm_error(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, ...)+0xcd
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x5593d3] G1DefaultPolicy::calculate_young_list_target_length(unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) const+0x3ed
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x558f1a] G1DefaultPolicy::young_list_target_lengths(unsigned long) const+0xb0
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x559573] G1DefaultPolicy::revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary(unsigned long)+0xa3
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x59c807] G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::sample_young_list_rs_lengths()+0x33b
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x59c4ad] G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread::run_service()+0x33
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x43a838] ConcurrentGCThread::run()+0x22
      V [libjvm.dylib+0x9f827f] thread_native_entry(Thread*)+0x12b
      C [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x3268] _pthread_body+0x83
      C [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x31e5] _pthread_body+0x0
      C [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x141d] thread_start+0xd

            ehelin Erik Helin
            jprovino Joseph Provino (Inactive)
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