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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8159949

WebSocket send bad message after sending multiple big message


      This can be reproduced permanently by following steps:
      1. Connect to a simple echo server endpoint
      2. send 4+ messages length >10000.
      3. Check the received message if they are the same with those sent.

      It will show unexpected received duplicate message.
      This can be reproduced by following sequence:
      //for each all message
      1. sendText(msg);
      // after all send invoked
      2. receive and check messages

      But if try following steps, there is no such issue:
      // for each all message
      1. sendText once per message
      2. receive/check before next sent

      From captured network communication, there is a frame with duplicate data s. And that message is exactly the one failed during verification.
      Please confirm if it is the problem.

      I will attach test and captured data.

        1. EchoTextTest.jtr
          127 kB
          Xiaofeng Yang
        2. network_dump.pcapng
          584 kB
          Xiaofeng Yang
        3. Screenshot.PNG
          24 kB
          Xiaofeng Yang

            prappo Pavel Rappo
            xiaofeya Xiaofeng Yang
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            2 Start watching this issue
