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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8160835

Deprecate -makeall from Java Packager



      Java Packager's -makeall is one stop shopping: It accepts one java file, a few arguments (-makeall -appclass -preloader -classpath -name -width -height -v), performs compilation by invoking javac, creates a jar, and a JNLP file is generated all in one step. It is designed to be an extremely simple build tool.


      -makeall defines almost all options allowing for very little control by the developer. Java Packager was enhanced to add support for native bundles but no -makeall arguments were added for native bundles and no Ant tasks exist for -makeall. It is only a CLI argument. -makeall has been buggy since 7u and is only useful for Web Start Applications. -makeall is unlikely to have modular support (which was not added since this is primarily a JNLP only feature). Keeping -makeall adds development time to fix or enhance the feature, and at least a week of SQE time. By deprecating we save SQE time testing an entire option and sub options -makeall -appclass -preloader -classpath -name -width -height -v for Windows, Linux and Mac, with and without modules.

      Deprecation would take one new line of code:

      460: System.err.println("-makeall is deprecated");

      As you can see from the review, the diff provided below all existing deprecations use stdout, so those will be fixed as well.

      Risk is extremely low.

            cbensen Chris Bensen (Inactive)
            cbensen Chris Bensen (Inactive)
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