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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8161188

Uninstall applet prompt for outdated Java version even after its removal


      The outdated Java 6 Update 43 is allegedly still present on my PC despite dozen uninstall attempts, both online and manual.
      Submitter reports that Uninstall utility prompt for outdated Java version 6u43 even after uninstalling the same.
      Received "Internal Error 2753. regutils.dll" error with MS Fix It utility.

      Following instructions from help page, http://www.java.com/en/download/help/manual_regedit.xml
      he ran REGEDIT, applied search for 6.0.430 and found two keys referring to Java(TM) 6 Update 43 - deleted both.
      There are no more keys for 6.0.430. Yet, both Windows and Java Uninstall Applet kept alerting about Outdated Java version.
      In C:\Program Files only presence in folder JAVA is the version with subfolder "jre1.8.0_91" ONLY. There are NO folders related to the old 43-rd version whatsoever.
      >Says http://java.com/en/download/uninstallapplet.jsp :

      12.05.16 13:39: Java(TM) 6 Update 43 wasn't uninstalled because of the following error: uninstallation failed (error code is 1603)
      12.05.16 13:39: Not all requested versions were removed

            rupashka Pavel Porvatov (Inactive)
            pardesha Pardeep Sharma
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            3 Start watching this issue
