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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8161945

REGRESSION: 8u91 update of 32 bit JRE removes preferences of the 64 bit JRE


    • b131
    • Verified

        J2SE Version (please include all output from java -version flag):
        1.8.0_91 (32 bit)

        Does this problem occur on J2SE 7ux, 8ux? Yes / No (be specific version#)
        It does not occur with old updates.

        If this is a regression what release did the code last work?

        Operating System Configuration Information (be specific):
        Windows 64 bit

        Bug Description:
          An update of a 32 bit Java VM delete the Java preferences of the 64 bit
        Java VMs. This break all application with a bundle Java VM. On a server
        system it is typical that the server applications run with a 64 bit Java
        bundle edition. The 32 bit edition is used only in the browser.

        Related bugs: JDK-8146305, JDK-8135254

        Steps to Reproduce (be specific):
        * Create some Java preferences settings with a 64 bit Java which is not
        * Update the 32 bit Java for the browser --> the settings was lost.

              asemenyuk Alexey Semenyuk
              shadowbug Shadow Bug
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