JavawsCPBTest::testSignedAndUnsigned failed sometimes due to
#### Java Web Start Error:
#### JAR resources in JNLP file are not signed by same certificate
As per JDK-7159523, there could be two possible behaviors which are decided by the jar files in cache when validating custom progress jar:
1) Behavior 1 If all all jar files in cache is valid when validating custom progress jar:
* Javaws security Dialog should be seen.Click in Run button.
* Custom Progress window can be seen ,but the application should not be launched.
* Application Error dialog should be seen
2) Behavior 2 If not all jar files in cache is valid, say jars in cache are not signed with the same cert, when validating custom progress jar:
* There is no security Dialog and still use the default javaws progress window
* Application Error dialog should be seen
So I think this is correct behavior. We may need to update our test.
Affected tests:
RULE JavawsCPBTest::testSignedAndUnsigned any any
#### Java Web Start Error:
#### JAR resources in JNLP file are not signed by same certificate
As per JDK-7159523, there could be two possible behaviors which are decided by the jar files in cache when validating custom progress jar:
1) Behavior 1 If all all jar files in cache is valid when validating custom progress jar:
* Javaws security Dialog should be seen.Click in Run button.
* Custom Progress window can be seen ,but the application should not be launched.
* Application Error dialog should be seen
2) Behavior 2 If not all jar files in cache is valid, say jars in cache are not signed with the same cert, when validating custom progress jar:
* There is no security Dialog and still use the default javaws progress window
* Application Error dialog should be seen
So I think this is correct behavior. We may need to update our test.
Affected tests:
RULE JavawsCPBTest::testSignedAndUnsigned any any