Currently if the --patch-module option is specified during CDS dump time, the jvm will exit with the following message:
Cannot use the following option when dumping the shared archive: --patch-module
and during runtime, the jvm will issue the following warning message:
The shared archive file cannot be used with --patch-module.
This bug fix is to allow the user to specify the --patch-module vm option when dumping and using CDS archive.
The fix will not archive any classes encountered in the --patch-module list.
The fix will also check for non-empty directory specified in the --patch-module option. If it detects an non-empty directory, it will abort dumping of the shared archive.
If the value of --patch-module specified during dump time doesn't match the one specified during run time, the vm will exit with an error message.
Cannot use the following option when dumping the shared archive: --patch-module
and during runtime, the jvm will issue the following warning message:
The shared archive file cannot be used with --patch-module.
This bug fix is to allow the user to specify the --patch-module vm option when dumping and using CDS archive.
The fix will not archive any classes encountered in the --patch-module list.
The fix will also check for non-empty directory specified in the --patch-module option. If it detects an non-empty directory, it will abort dumping of the shared archive.
If the value of --patch-module specified during dump time doesn't match the one specified during run time, the vm will exit with an error message.