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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8164634

Registered JREs match to different 'osname'


    • b01
    • b150
    • x86
    • generic

        Testsuite: unifyJRESetting in core
        Test name(s): unifyJRESettingScenarios/testHiddenJREEntry.html
        Product(s) tested: Jre8u111b05/32bit
        OS/architecture: Ubuntu16.04-x86

        Reproducible: Always
        Reproducible on machine: egtc

        Is it a Regression:Yes
        [If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build: Jre8u111b01
        ubuntu16.04 x86/Jre8u111b04:Fail
        ubuntu16.04 x86/Jre8u111b01:Fail

        Test result on the last GAed release for this train:Pass(ubuntu16.04 x86/Jre8u101b12)

        [if Fail] Test result on FCS:

        Is it a platform specific issue:No
                                                  ( win7-x86/ jre8u111b05:FAIL
                                                    there is no this case on mac
                                                    there is no 32bit bundle on solaris)

        Steps to reproduce:
        1. Delete deployment.properties file (if existed)
        2. Install the latest JRE version of the prior JRE family of the test JRE family (e.g. Test JRE is jre7 then install latest jre version of jre6)
        3. Install the test JRE
        4. Open java control panel and close it to refresh/generate deploment.properties file Note: On Linux/Unix, Open and then close JCP of both installed JREs to refresh/generate deployment.properties file.
        5. Check deployment.properties file and there should be information about two JREs installed above, example, deployment.javaws.jre.0 and deployment.javaws.jre.1
        6. In the deployment.properties file, modify the OS name associated with one installed JRE to a different OS, example, deployment.javaws.jre.1.osname=Linux if testing on Windows and you should have deployment.javaws.jre.1.osname=Windows before the change
        7. Close and relaunch java control panel for both jres, go to Java tab--> View of test jre java control panel
        8. Make sure that: Two Java Runtime Environment entries listed in the Java control Panel---> Java tab ---> View In deployment.properties file, the invalid entry (modified OS name) associated deployment.javaws.jre.2

        The actual result:
        At step8, There is no deployment.javaws.jre.2. Please refer deployment.properties.

              aivanov Alexey Ivanov
              tonyli Tony Li (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
