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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8164909

Eliminate use of JDK internal APIs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • 9
    • 9
    • other-libs
    • None

      The following usages of JDK-internal APIs need to be examined in the java.corba module:

      src/java.corba/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/orb/ORB.java:import jdk.internal.misc.JavaAWTAccess;
      src/java.corba/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/orb/ORB.java:import jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets;
      src/java.corba/share/classes/sun/corba/Bridge.java:import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe ;
      src/java.corba/share/classes/sun/corba/Bridge.java:import jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory;
      src/java.corba/share/classes/sun/corba/SharedSecrets.java:import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;

      These are not going to work if java.corba is deployed outside of the JDK, say on the class path.

      In the case of ReflectionFactory/Unsafe then it can probably use the sun.reflect/sun.misc versions temporarily (meaning java.corba will depend on jdk.unsupported).

      In the case of SharedSecrets/JavaAWTAccess then it requires looking at changes introduced in a security release to see if they are still needed.

            msheppar Mark Sheppard
            alanb Alan Bateman
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            3 Start watching this issue
