Operating System used for testing : Oracle Linux 6.4
[root@bgr-linux ramesh]# java -version
java version "9-internal"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (fastdebug build 9-internal+0-2015-10-12-084008.cbensen.jdk9udev)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (fastdebug build 9-internal+0-2015-10-12-084008.cbensen.jdk9udev, mixed mode)
ISSUE: why Date is 2015-10-12 ? is this build up to date ?
javapackager -help execution
ISSUE: "--module-path" should be present in help command instead of "--modulepath"
Usage: javapackager -command [-options]
where command is one of:
The packager produces jar archive according to other parameters.
The packager generates the jnlp and html files according to other
Converts css file into binary form
Signs jar file(s) with a provided certificate.
Performs compilation, createjar and deploy steps as one call with
most arguments predefined. The sources must be located in "src"
folder, the resulting files (jar, jnlp, html) are put in "dist"
folder. This command may be configured only in a minimal way and is
as automated as possible.
Options for createjar command include:
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-preloader <preloader class>
qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.
-paramfile <file>
properties file with default named application parameters.
-argument arg
An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP
-classpath <files>
list of dependent jar file names.
-manifestAttrs <manifest attributes>
List of additional manifest attributes. Syntax: "name1=value1,
If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes
to the jarfile.
The packager won't convert CSS files to binary form before copying
to jar.
-runtimeversion <version>
version of the required JavaFX Runtime.
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be packed.
Options for deploy command include:
-native <type>
generate self-contained application bundles (if possible).
If type is specified then only bundle of this type is created.
List of supported types includes: installer, image, exe, msi, dmg, pkg, rpm, deb.
-name <name>
name of the application.
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.
-m <modulename>[/<mainclass>]
--module <modulename>[/<mainclass>]
the initial module to resolve, and the name of the main class
to execute if not specified by the module
-p <module path>
--modulepath <module path>...
[root@bgr-linux ramesh]# java -version
java version "9-internal"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (fastdebug build 9-internal+0-2015-10-12-084008.cbensen.jdk9udev)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (fastdebug build 9-internal+0-2015-10-12-084008.cbensen.jdk9udev, mixed mode)
ISSUE: why Date is 2015-10-12 ? is this build up to date ?
javapackager -help execution
ISSUE: "--module-path" should be present in help command instead of "--modulepath"
Usage: javapackager -command [-options]
where command is one of:
The packager produces jar archive according to other parameters.
The packager generates the jnlp and html files according to other
Converts css file into binary form
Signs jar file(s) with a provided certificate.
Performs compilation, createjar and deploy steps as one call with
most arguments predefined. The sources must be located in "src"
folder, the resulting files (jar, jnlp, html) are put in "dist"
folder. This command may be configured only in a minimal way and is
as automated as possible.
Options for createjar command include:
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-preloader <preloader class>
qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.
-paramfile <file>
properties file with default named application parameters.
-argument arg
An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP
-classpath <files>
list of dependent jar file names.
-manifestAttrs <manifest attributes>
List of additional manifest attributes. Syntax: "name1=value1,
If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes
to the jarfile.
The packager won't convert CSS files to binary form before copying
to jar.
-runtimeversion <version>
version of the required JavaFX Runtime.
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be packed.
Options for deploy command include:
-native <type>
generate self-contained application bundles (if possible).
If type is specified then only bundle of this type is created.
List of supported types includes: installer, image, exe, msi, dmg, pkg, rpm, deb.
-name <name>
name of the application.
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.
-m <modulename>[/<mainclass>]
--module <modulename>[/<mainclass>]
the initial module to resolve, and the name of the main class
to execute if not specified by the module
-p <module path>
--modulepath <module path>...