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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8165814

Sqrt of a BigDecimal


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      I have often needed the square root of a positive BigDecimal, and each time I have rolled my own. Today, I came across a really nice algorithm, and a new algorithm I had not seen before. Both are from the Wikipedia article "Newton-Raphson Method." I hope you can include something like them in BigDecimal. We also need a Log to base b routine in BigDecimal, for which I don't have a good solution yet. The Halley''s routine exhibits cubic convergence, while Newton-Raphson is only quadratic. The text case shows no difference between the two, but the difference exists as seen in other problems.

      Square root arises all them time and in many algorithms.

      EXPECTED -
      The ability to take the square root of a positive BigDecimal.
      ACTUAL -
      User must write his or her own.

      ---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
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      package testbdsqrt;

      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      import static java.math.BigDecimal.ONE;
      import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO;
      import java.math.MathContext;
      import java.util.ArrayList;

       * @author CElliott
      public class TestBDSqrt {
        private static final BigDecimal TWO = ONE.add(ONE);
        private static final BigDecimal THREE = TWO.add(ONE);
        private static final MathContext mc = new MathContext(66);

        public static BigDecimal NewtonRaphsonSqrt( BigDecimal n, double tolerance, MathContext mc ) throws IllegalArgumentException{
          if( n.compareTo(ZERO) < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aruments to NewtonRaphsonSqrt must be positive.");
          ArrayList<BigDecimal> results = new ArrayList<>();
          BigDecimal xnp1 = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(n.doubleValue()), mc);
          xnp1 = xnp1.add(n.divide(xnp1, mc)).divide(TWO, mc);
          //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
            if(xnp1.subtract(results.get(results.size()-1), mc).abs(mc).doubleValue()<=tolerance)
            xnp1 = xnp1.add(n.divide(xnp1, mc)).divide(TWO, mc);
            //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
          return results.get(results.size()-1);
        public static BigDecimal HalleysSqrt( BigDecimal n, double tolerance, MathContext mc ) throws IllegalArgumentException{
          if( n.compareTo(ZERO) < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aruments to HalleysSqrt must be positive.");
          ArrayList<BigDecimal> results = new ArrayList<>();
          BigDecimal xnp1 = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(n.doubleValue()), mc);
          xnp1 = THREE.multiply(n, mc).add(xnp1.pow(2,mc), mc).divide(n.divide(xnp1, mc).add(THREE.multiply(xnp1, mc)), mc);
          //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
            if(xnp1.subtract(results.get(results.size()-1), mc).abs(mc).doubleValue()<=tolerance)
            xnp1 = THREE.multiply(n, mc).add(xnp1.pow(2,mc), mc).divide(n.divide(xnp1,mc).add(THREE.multiply(xnp1, mc)), mc);
            //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
          return results.get(results.size()-1);
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
          BigDecimal arg = new BigDecimal(Long.MAX_VALUE);
          arg = arg.pow(2).add(new BigDecimal("0.12345678987654321"));
          BigDecimal results = NewtonRaphsonSqrt(arg, 0.0000000000000001, mc);
          System.out.printf("The Newton-Raphson Sqrt of %f is %30.25f, whose square is %30.25f%n", arg, results, results.pow(2));
          results = HalleysSqrt(arg, 0.0000000000000001, mc);
          System.out.printf("The Halley's Sqrt of %f is %30.25f, whose square is %30.25f%n", arg, results, results.pow(2));

      ---------- END SOURCE ----------

       * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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       * and open the template in the editor.
      package testbdsqrt;

      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      import static java.math.BigDecimal.ONE;
      import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO;
      import java.math.MathContext;
      import java.util.ArrayList;

       * @author CElliott
      public class TestBDSqrt {
        private static final BigDecimal TWO = ONE.add(ONE);
        private static final BigDecimal THREE = TWO.add(ONE);
        private static final MathContext mc = new MathContext(66);

        public static BigDecimal NewtonRaphsonSqrt( BigDecimal n, double tolerance, MathContext mc ) throws IllegalArgumentException{
          if( n.compareTo(ZERO) < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aruments to NewtonRaphsonSqrt must be positive.");
          ArrayList<BigDecimal> results = new ArrayList<>();
          BigDecimal xnp1 = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(n.doubleValue()), mc);
          xnp1 = xnp1.add(n.divide(xnp1, mc)).divide(TWO, mc);
          //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
            if(xnp1.subtract(results.get(results.size()-1), mc).abs(mc).doubleValue()<=tolerance)
            xnp1 = xnp1.add(n.divide(xnp1, mc)).divide(TWO, mc);
            //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
          return results.get(results.size()-1);
        public static BigDecimal HalleysSqrt( BigDecimal n, double tolerance, MathContext mc ) throws IllegalArgumentException{
          if( n.compareTo(ZERO) < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aruments to HalleysSqrt must be positive.");
          ArrayList<BigDecimal> results = new ArrayList<>();
          BigDecimal xnp1 = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(n.doubleValue()), mc);
          xnp1 = THREE.multiply(n, mc).add(xnp1.pow(2,mc), mc).divide(n.divide(xnp1, mc).add(THREE.multiply(xnp1, mc)), mc);
          //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
            if(xnp1.subtract(results.get(results.size()-1), mc).abs(mc).doubleValue()<=tolerance)
            xnp1 = THREE.multiply(n, mc).add(xnp1.pow(2,mc), mc).divide(n.divide(xnp1,mc).add(THREE.multiply(xnp1, mc)), mc);
            //System.out.printf("%30.25f%n", xnp1);
          return results.get(results.size()-1);
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
          BigDecimal arg = new BigDecimal(Long.MAX_VALUE);
          arg = arg.pow(2).add(new BigDecimal("0.12345678987654321"));
          BigDecimal results = NewtonRaphsonSqrt(arg, 0.0000000000000001, mc);
          System.out.printf("The Newton-Raphson Sqrt of %f is %30.25f, whose square is %30.25f%n", arg, results, results.pow(2));
          results = HalleysSqrt(arg, 0.0000000000000001, mc);
          System.out.printf("The Halley's Sqrt of %f is %30.25f, whose square is %30.25f%n", arg, results, results.pow(2));

            darcy Joe Darcy
            webbuggrp Webbug Group
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