The signatures for the various OrderAccess::load_acquire overloads are presently of the form
T load_acquire(volatile T* p);
It seems like that should be
T load_acquire(const volatile T* p);
Similarly for load_ptr_acquire (note that there are presently two overloads for load_ptr_acquire for void*, one const-qualified, and one not. The non-const-qualified overfload should be removed.
Similarly for Atomic::load(volatile jlong*).
T load_acquire(volatile T* p);
It seems like that should be
T load_acquire(const volatile T* p);
Similarly for load_ptr_acquire (note that there are presently two overloads for load_ptr_acquire for void*, one const-qualified, and one not. The non-const-qualified overfload should be removed.
Similarly for Atomic::load(volatile jlong*).