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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8166881

<AppName>.cfg Configuration file contains hard coded values of path


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • 9
    • 9
    • deploy
    • java version "9-ea"
      Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+137)
      Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9-ea+137, mixed mode)

    • 9
    • windows_7
    • Verified

      ISSUE: hard coded values for app.mainjar and app.classpath should be removed and configuration file should refer to the jar bundled with application.

      Attachment contains required jars and screenshot.

      Steps to reproduce:

      try the following command at windows command line

      C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV>C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk-9\bin\javapackager -deploy -verbose -outdir D:\TEMP\te
      stBundlerWorkDir1060412094374121155\bundles -outfile test -native exe -Bclasspath=com.greetings.jar
      -appclass com.greetings.App1 -BjvmProperties="sqe.aba.caba=dabacaba" -name JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou
      tStripNativeCommands -srcdir C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars -srcfiles com.greeting
      s.jar -BmainJar=com.greetings.jar -BjvmOptions="-Dsqe.foo.bar=baz -Dsqe.qux.corge=grault -Djavafx.ve
      rbose=true -Dprism.verbose=true"

      2. After creation of bundle, double click on bundle and try to install bundle in windows.

      3. Go to installed directory and check the file "C:\Program Files\JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou

      4. check the harded coded path for app.mainjar and app.classpath similar to like "app.mainjar=C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars\com.greetings.jar"

      5. Can we retain hardcoded path ?
      Answer: No, because if bundled application is on one machine and application deployed is on another machine then application won't run in this case.

            cbensen Chris Bensen (Inactive)
            rgangadhar Ramesh Gangadhar
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            3 Start watching this issue
