ISSUE: hard coded values for app.mainjar and app.classpath should be removed and configuration file should refer to the jar bundled with application.
Attachment contains required jars and screenshot.
Steps to reproduce:
try the following command at windows command line
C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV>C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk-9\bin\javapackager -deploy -verbose -outdir D:\TEMP\te
stBundlerWorkDir1060412094374121155\bundles -outfile test -native exe -Bclasspath=com.greetings.jar
-appclass com.greetings.App1 -BjvmProperties="sqe.aba.caba=dabacaba" -name JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou
tStripNativeCommands -srcdir C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars -srcfiles com.greeting
s.jar -BmainJar=com.greetings.jar -BjvmOptions=" -Dsqe.qux.corge=grault
rbose=true -Dprism.verbose=true"
2. After creation of bundle, double click on bundle and try to install bundle in windows.
3. Go to installed directory and check the file "C:\Program Files\JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou
4. check the harded coded path for app.mainjar and app.classpath similar to like "app.mainjar=C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars\com.greetings.jar"
5. Can we retain hardcoded path ?
Answer: No, because if bundled application is on one machine and application deployed is on another machine then application won't run in this case.
Attachment contains required jars and screenshot.
Steps to reproduce:
try the following command at windows command line
C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV>C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk-9\bin\javapackager -deploy -verbose -outdir D:\TEMP\te
stBundlerWorkDir1060412094374121155\bundles -outfile test -native exe -Bclasspath=com.greetings.jar
-appclass com.greetings.App1 -BjvmProperties="sqe.aba.caba=dabacaba" -name JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou
tStripNativeCommands -srcdir C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars -srcfiles com.greeting
s.jar -BmainJar=com.greetings.jar -BjvmOptions=" -Dsqe.qux.corge=grault
rbose=true -Dprism.verbose=true"
2. After creation of bundle, double click on bundle and try to install bundle in windows.
3. Go to installed directory and check the file "C:\Program Files\JvmOptionsTestCheckWithou
4. check the harded coded path for app.mainjar and app.classpath similar to like "app.mainjar=C:\Users\rbgangad.ORADEV\Desktop\rough\temp\jars\com.greetings.jar"
5. Can we retain hardcoded path ?
Answer: No, because if bundled application is on one machine and application deployed is on another machine then application won't run in this case.